Sunday, January 6, 2013

Is It Ever Acceptable To Cyber-Stalk Anyone?

There is a cyber-stalker and stalker in my life, that I have been told hundreds of times has moved on. But he has not. I wish the man the best and bless him, but it is never ok for a minute to stalk, cyber-stalk, harass, bully or terrorize another human being, because you lied and were not in a stage of your life ready to make a commitment. My stalking has been going on long before I ever knew it was. Today it still persists.

When I read this article 'Why do groups of men attack lone women,' I understand very clearly the problem that has evolved into the greatest insanity ever, in my life. First off, lies create nightmares of mass destruction. Secondly religion, especially specific religions make women second class citizens. Thirdly, men who have have aggression and anger problems, feel insecure around independent women. When they feel threatened by these women, they try and control and manipulate their entire lives.

If a culture provides a lot of messages like “If you’re a successful man, women will fall all over you,” men that grow up there may feel emasculated, or angry, when that doesn’t happen. (from the article listed above by Dr. David Lisak)

When a few people are acting in a negative way, it has little power. But when a group of people are acting out of aggression and anger this is what Dr David Lasik says occurs:

If you have a group of men, all of whom have various levels of frustration in their lives, and who feel powerless and angry for the things that are not going well in their lives — if you have one person in that group who begins to provide the group with an outlet and a target, like, “Well, those women are getting good jobs, and we’re not. Why are they getting good jobs?” then that can lead to violence.

If they’re in a culture where there are a lot of messages about the entitled role of men, the culture can provide some very ready scripts for violence.
Women historically have been denigrated and objectified and viewed as the property of males around the world. It is only in the last several decades that our laws in the United States have come to reflect a different reality, and in many societies around the world it is still the case. To the extent any culture has those kinds of messages out there, that provides fertile ground for angry individuals to target individuals who are vulnerable.
It is a very scary, violent and lonely world out there when this kind of group mentality takes place. I know from first hand experience, the devastation and terrorism that comes with these kinds of people and their acts. It has tore my life to shreds and continues today, when I have been told this person has moved on. A mob mentality where people are harassing you and terrorizing you behind your back takes it's toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally. When will it ever really and truly end? They say I created all this, that is what I have to laugh about the most. 
I leave today wish the people that have been terrorizing, sabotaging and blatantly destroying my life behind my back with blessings and good wishes. May they somehow stop what they are doing to me and move on. I am not a doormat and will take the necessary actions needed. Blessings to my enemies, it seems the world took the man's side. 

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